Workshop Descriptions
*Gendai Reiki Level I Shoden
Celtic Reiki Foundations 1 & 2
- History of Reiki: how the originator of Reiki created this system.
- Reiju- (Attunement): an initiation to allow the opening of one's energy channels to allow direct access to the flow of Reiki energy.
- Reiki meditations & treatments for self & others.
- Learn the Gokai- the 5 Reiki Principles
- Japanese rituals: these techniques help you to center and ground, and to create a prayer of intent: Kenyoku ho, Nentatsu ho, Kokyu ho, and more.
Gendai Reiki II Okuden
- Receive the Level II Reiju (attunement), where sacred symbols are added to your energy field.
- Learn three symbols to enhance sessions.
- Direct this energy toward physical healing, mental/emotional healing, distance healing.
- Practice distance healing, which can be sent anywhere and to anyone. It also allows you to send the energy to the past and into the future.
- Japanese practices for purification: Hatsurei ho, Tanden chiryo ho, Heso chiryo ho, and more
- Karuna is a Hindu/Buddhist word translated as "compassionate action."
- Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings.
- This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit. It is the energy of love transmitted by Kwan Yin and Mother Mary.
Gendai Reiki III Shinpiden
- The Shinpiden level continues to open you further towards your potential. Your own healing continues at deeper levels, as well as your ability to channel even more refined and compassionate levels of Reiki energy.
- This level focuses on spiritual development. The Path to Anshin Ritsumei. It deepens our practice of love and harmony.
- Learn master symbol which allows you to connect to higher spiritual frequencies and raise consciousness. Connect to your Reiki Guides.
- Gain a stronger connection between physical self and higher self.
- Receive Level III Reiju.
- Deeper study of Gokai (reiki principles).
- Learn Reiki meditations for Universal Peace which creates a strong connection with Mother Earth.
- Learn Japanese self purification techniques: Sekezui Joka Ibuki Ho, Hado Meiso Ho.
Gendai Reiki IV (Master Instructor) Gokuikaiden
- Receive master instructor Reiju (Attunement)
- Learn how to pass:
- Level 1 Reiju
- Level 2 Reiju
- Level 3 Reiju
- Level 4 Reiju
- Create an outline to begin your journey as a Master Instructor!
- waka poetry
- Deeper study of Gokai

Karuna Reiki Levels 1 & 2
The Celtic Reiki system is based on the Druidic Teachings of the Ogham. Ogham was considered an ancient Celtic alphabet. Each tree or plant was given a symbol to represent their letter and meaning.
The System of Celtic Reiki was formulated by a British Reiki Master named Martyn Pentecost.
During your training you will be introduced to 24 tree/plant friends over the course of 3 levels. Through the use of the distance connection technique taight in Western Usui or Gendai Usui level 2, we will connect with the spirit/essence of each tree/plant, as well as, your own personal Sacred Grove.
**Gendai Reiki Ho was formulated by Hiroshi Doi to pass on Usui Mikao Sensei's original spiritual tradition of Reiki Ho. Completion of this training connects you to the direct lineage of the Reiki tradition instituted by Usui Sensei and recognized by the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (Society) which continues to actively preserve the original teachings in Japan. In the original Japanese tradition of Reiki training the goal has been and still is reaching Anshin Ritsumei (self-realization).
Gendai Reiki ho is structured in such a way as to both support the healing of the mind-body and encourage spiritual growth.
**From the Gendai Reiki Healing Association Standards:
Reiju (attunements) must be given face to face. Distant reiju did not belong to Usui's original teachings. "We must pass down the pure Reiki energy with Usui's philosophy correctly, therefore, Gendai Reiki Ho does not permit distant reiju (attunements). Masters and Practitioners who have received distant attunements are not considered Gendai Reiki Masters and Practitioners."